A Spirit of Generosity

For the next few weekends, our Epistle reading will be from 1 Thessalonians. I would encourage you to take some time to read through both 1 and 2 Thessalonians to get a feel for Paul’s love for the Christians at Thessalonica and his desire to calm their concerns about the end times and Jesus’ return. One thing we learn about those Christians is their great generosity in supporting the ministry of spreading the saving Gospel and caring for the needs of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

I enjoy sharing with others how the Holy Spirit has worked that same spirit of generosity among our Beautiful Savior family. For instance, recently we had a special collection to help all those affected in Maui by the terrible wildfires. $1,602 was sent to Lutheran Church Charities to help with that effort. And, of course, our current family roof repair project is another example.

I know personally that big projects with big price tags often seem impossible to accomplish. But yet when things like roof or car repairs or medical bills come up, those expenses can’t be avoided. So what do we do? We do what we are always invited to do by our Lord – come to Him in prayer, asking for His guidance and blessing, and then following where He leads. He knows how to work through all things and all people to accomplish what He wills. As one of our hymns for this weekend’s worship puts it,

“He who to this day has fed me
And to many joys has led me
Is and ever shall be mine.
He who ever gently schools me,
He who daily guides and rules me
Will remain my help divine.”

(Lutheran Service Book #732, All Depends on Our Possessing, v. 2)


Our Role in This Life


The Lord is Near