Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church and School

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I’m With Him

Life on the Pasture

Today was the first time I was able to be in our church sanctuary officiating a service since March 15. The occasion was a beautiful wedding. Five people were there: the Bride and Groom, two witnesses, and me. Masks were worn and social distancing was kept. (Congratulations Judie and Andy. My our gracious Lord always bless you with His love, joy and happiness as you live together with Him.)

It’s amazing how one’s perspective can quickly change. A little over a month ago, five people in a church that, if pushed to its limits, could accommodate 300 would seem very small. This morning, all the empty pews and chairs didn’t matter. There were other people in the sanctuary besides me.

We were created to be social people. That doesn’t mean that all of us are talkative people who always have to be busy doing things with others. It does mean that if we found ourselves alone on a deserted island for an extended period of time, we would have a very hard time of it.

You will recall the account in Genesis 2 of Adam being gifted with Eve. Before that happened, Adam took on the role of biologist as he named all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. Some commentators have made the interesting suggestion that all the living creatures came to him in pairs much as they did when Noah brought the living creatures into the ark. Adam realized that every living being had a mate with the exception of him. As Genesis 2:20 simply states it: “But for Adam no suitable helper was found.” And so God filled the need with the creation of Eve and the gift of marriage in which two become one.

Thank our Lord for all of the special people He has put in your life. And if you are in the position of deeply missing one who has gone before you to heaven, give thanks to our Lord Jesus who continues to be the One who binds us together in His love. Those who have gone before us are with Him in heaven. What is more, He is with us through His Spirit as we journey on this earth. And so we continue to be bonded together with Him.

Which is exactly why Jesus came to be our Savior. It is not good for us to be alone and apart from God. What a marvelous God who binds us to Him in a wondrous relationship that will never end, and puts people in our lives who reflect that love in so many beautiful ways.

– Pastor Schmidt

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash