Jesus gives me Joy!

Joy is a major theme in the Scriptures – something that God wants us to have. It is listed in Galatians 5 as a fruit of the Spirit, right after love. Those who have joy also know how to rejoice in the Lord. Imagine what it would be like to have no joy in life.

Unfortunately, since we live in a broken world, you have probably experienced a time in life when you weren’t experiencing joy and rejoicing. Even the places that are supposed to be places that bring us true joy sometimes are not – places like our homes. And so, as we celebrate Father’s Day this weekend, those of us who are blessed with a family life filled with great joy have reason to celebrate. Those who are not experiencing a healthy family life may feel left out and envious.

So what does a home filled with joy look like? First, it does not mean that everyone is laughing and smiling all the time. Again, we live in a broken world which results in hurt, disappointment, and sadness. Our decision-making is not perfect, and we sometimes end up walking away from our Lord instead of with Him. But this is why Jesus came as our Savior – to bring us back to God so we can be in a loving, living personal relationship with Jesus as the Lord of our households. And when He is the Lord, we always come to Him and rejoice in His presence. Where He is, all will be good. The tears will be wiped away. And so, in a healthy household there is prayer, people care, and they also share. The household is filled with a servant attitude rather than an “it’s all about me” attitude, cultivated by time in the Word and worship together.

And that is what, through Word and Sacrament, the Holy Spirit would work in our Beautiful Savior family, making us a place where all who would come would be able to say, “Jesus gives me JOY!” That same Spirit who would work among us at Beautiful Savior would work among us in our individual households, restoring the joy of the Lord’s salvation.

O Spirit, who dost bind Our hearts in unity, Who teachest us to find The love from self set free, In all our hearts such love increase That ev’ry home by this release May be the dwelling place of peace. LUTHERAN SERVICE BOOK #863, v. 3


He is in control


Our duty towards God