Losing the Game, Winning at Life
Life on the Pasture
So what does a pastor do on a Sunday morning when the church building is not open?
It is a strange feeling waking up later than usual, not getting to church by 7:00 a.m. and making final adjustments to the message and slides.
What doesn’t change is asking the Holy Spirit to bless the Word and move people to want to hear it and keep it, even as it comes to them online. There are prayers that people set up new routines during this unique time, perhaps casting the video of the worship service to their tv and watching together as a family.
But then the evil one gets in and tries to get me to play the “What If” and “Let’s Compare Myself to Others” games.
It begins this way: During the last several days I (and probably every other pastor) have been inundated with emails from various sources with tons of suggestions on how to do online church, keep in touch with your congregation, weather the coming economic challenges, etc. What if what I’m doing isn’t good enough or the right thing? There are tons of online worship options now available for people. What if people start to comparison shop and drop our church for another one? What if people decide online church is the way to go and attendance dramatically drops after we get back to normal? What if people just drop church completely? Did I do anything to contribute to that?
I’m sure I’m not the only one who ends up playing those games. I haven’t won one yet. I doubt anyone does.
But there is One who comes to us and reminds us of who we are and who He is. While we each have different ways of doing things and have plenty of imperfections, He has brought us into His Body and gifted us in a variety of ways to glorify Him and grow His Kingdom.
And so as we begin a new week, we begin it, go through it, and end it with Jesus. The evil one comes trying to rob us of that security, but our Good Shepherd holds us close to Him, reminding us that we are the forgiven, redeemed children of God. That’s a reminder pastors need as well.
Jesus, Jesus, only Jesus, Can my heartfelt longing still.
Lo, I pledge myself to Jesus What He wills alone to will.
For my heart, which He hath filled, Ever cries, Lord, as Thou wilt.One there is for whom I'm living, Whom I love most tenderly;
Unto Jesus I am giving What in love He gave to me.
Jesus' blood hides all my guilt; Lord, oh, lead me as Thou wilt.What to me may seem a treasure, But displeasing is to Thee,
Oh, remove such harmful pleasure; Give instead what profits me.
Let my heart by Thee be stilled. Make me Thine, Lord, as Thou wilt.Let me earnestly endeavor Thy good pleasure to fulfil;
In me, through me, with me ever, Lord, accomplish Thou Thy will.
In Thy holy image built, Let me die, Lord, as Thou wilt.Jesus, constant be my praises, For Thou unto me didst bring
Thine own self and all Thy graces That I joyfully may sing:
Be it unto me, my Shield, As Thou wilt, Lord, as Thou wilt.
Hymn #348 from The Lutheran Hymnal