Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church and School

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The Season of Lent with Moses and Elijah

This weekend, we will hear about our Lord’s transfiguration when Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus on a mountain to talk about His upcoming passion in Jerusalem. Jesus’ appearance was transformed so that Peter, James and John saw Him in His full divine splendor. Why Moses and Elijah? Moses was the one who gave the Law from the LORD at Mt. Sinai, and Elijah was one of His great prophets. Both were used by the LORD to lead His people to walk in His ways and look forward to the coming Messiah who would fulfill the Law and the Prophets. 

The season of Lent begins on Wednesday, March 5 with Ash Wednesday. During Lent, our Wednesday services and daily devotions will take a closer look at Moses and Elijah and other mountaintop experiences they had to see what we can learn from them as we seek to walk closer with our Lord and grow in our love for Him who endured such pain and suffering with our sins on Him on the cross that we might be the forgiven, redeemed children of God. Our Ash Wednesday service will be at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary and will include the celebration of Holy Communion. On the next five Wednesday evenings (beginning on March 12) we will, as we have for the past few years, have a time of dinner fellowship and worship in the Boettcher Center (dinner at 6 pm and worship at 6:30 pm). Food will be provided by Robert’s Specialty Meats – brats and hamburgers on March 12 (with a freewill donation received to offset the cost). Special thanks to Barb Walther for coordinating the meals. Worship time will include prayer, a reading from our Lord’s passion, teaching, table discussion, and a hymn. Video devotions will be available on our YouTube channel Monday-Friday during Lent beginning on Ash Wednesday. Please note that there will be no Thursday evening worship services until Maundy Thursday on April 17.