Unloose our Lips

I always enjoy watching our school ministry students share the Christmas Gospel during our special Advent family worship services. It is amazing how such a profound message of the Son of God becoming also true man, born of the Virgin, can be retold even by the very young who accept the truth without question. They share their lines and sing their songs with great enthusiasm. I will say, however, that there is always one thing that kind of disappoints me. It’s the lack of singing when the adults present are asked to join in singing.

This weekend, we’ll hear about Zechariah who finally is able to speak again after months of silence. Imagine how he felt when the vocal cords were released, his lips unloosed, and intelligible words again be uttered. And what is the first thing he does? Zechariah immediately began to praise God. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied: “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because He has come to His people and redeemed them.” (Luke 1:64, 67–68)

What a blessing to again gather to hear the Good News of Great Joy! May the Holy Spirit unloose our lips to proclaim what He has engrafted in our hearts: Jesus has come to be our Savior that we might indeed be the forgiven, redeemed children of God!


Our connection to Christ through Holy Baptism

