“Was that really worth it?”

Have you ever spent a lot of time, effort and money on something only to end up asking yourself the question: “Was that really worth it?” That might even happen when it comes to following Jesus and seeking to walk in His ways. You do all the right things and then, bam!, something completely changes the course of your life which causes pain, suffering, disappointment, and grief. And then the question looms in your head: “Why do bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people?” Of course, we know that we aren’t perfectly good, but still… 

This weekend’s Gospel reading is the account of Herod Antipas putting John the Baptist to death after having him imprisoned because of his wife Herodias’s hatred of John. What is not included in the Gospel is the information recorded in Matthew 11 about John’s question of Jesus while he was in prison: “Are You the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” He obviously needed reassurance from Jesus Himself that it really was true – He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. And that Lamb would, like John, also be put to death. 

From a purely human standpoint, one might question what John ended up gaining through his service as a prophet since he was unceremoniously beheaded. But that is when one asks the Holy Spirit to grant the clear vision of faith which sees the eternal glory awaiting all who follow Jesus who Himself rose victorious from the dead. 

On Monday, July 15, our Pastor Emeritus, Rev. Dr. Fred Boettcher, will celebrate his 97th birthday. I’m sure if you would ask him if his life was always smooth sailing with never a time when he asked himself if His service was worth it, he would probably share with you the need of always coming to our Lord in prayer, in listening to Him speak through His Word, and being refreshed through the Sacrament that the reassurance of our Lord might be given. Following Him is well worth it! 

Thank you, Pastor Boettcher, for following our Lord’s Call and for your many years of faithful service to us at Beautiful Savior! 


Resting with Jesus


For He Is Good