Water into Wine
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, circa 1675, The Marriage Feast at Cana, oil on canvas, Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham, UK
Life on the Pasture
As some of you know, my daughter Kristen and her fiancé Matt will be married on Friday, June 26. Notice that I wrote will. However, a certain amount of contingency planning must take place, including what to do if the guest list for the reception must be trimmed to fit the current social gathering rules. It is something Kristen and Matt will have to work through on their own. Mom and Dad are staying out of it.
In John chapter 2 we have the account of Jesus at a wedding feast in Cana. The wine ran out and Jesus’ mother Mary came to Him and said, “They have no more wine.” Eugene Peterson gives an interesting paraphrase of Jesus’ response: “Is that any of our business, Mother – yours or Mine? This isn’t My time. Don’t push Me.” (John 2:4, The Message)
Perhaps you were uncomfortable reading that paraphrase. It makes Jesus sound as if He’s snapping back at His mother. After all, isn’t she simply coming to Him for help? But the Lord knows what’s in the heart, and Mary’s next words give us a hint as to what was in her heart. His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.” (John 2:5, ESV) In other words, He, Jesus, is the One who must make the decision as far as what is to be done – He who already knew the issue without His mother even mentioning it, for God knows all things.
That knowledge includes what is the best way to work through all things for the good of those who love Him. And often the ways He uses are very unexpected and “behind the scenes,” such as how at that wedding in Cana He changed water into the best of wines. A budding social disaster that had His mother all flustered was immediately changed into a time of continued celebration.
We don’t know when the bride and groom found out what Jesus had done. Undoubtedly, they were extremely grateful they had invited Him to celebrate with them. But Jesus didn’t just join them for the celebration. He was also with them in the midst of challenges that they perhaps didn’t even perceive.
And so it is for you and me in the midst of the pandemic with all of the disappointments going on around us that drive us to push God to do something. He knows our needs and just what to do. More than that, His timing is always perfect and results in unexpected surprises, such as the best of wines from ordinary water.
My God has all things in His keeping; He is the ever faithful friend.
He gives me laughter after weeping, And all His ways in blessings end.
His love endures eternally: What pleases God, that pleases me.
Lutheran Service Book #719 I Leave All Things to God’s Direction, v. 4 Text: Public domain
– Pastor Schmidt