Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church and School

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Where Do You Work?

Life on the Pasture

When most people began working from home almost two months ago, I held out. I went to church every day, often being the only one in the building. I designated myself to be the one to answer calls (after all, there might be an emergency), take in the mail, receive packages, open the door for any member who wanted to drop something off or pick up a Portals of Prayer, and generally make sure the building was still standing.

As time has progressed, I find myself working at home more and more in the afternoon, joining my son and daughter. I have invented new games such as "Count the Number of Delivery Trucks," with bonus points given when two pass each other. I have planted myself in different locations around the house, trying to find the perfect work environment. I have stopped what I was doing numerous times in order to give attention to the pets.

The whole idea of working from home and telecommuting is nothing new, but with the pandemic forcing many to adapt to a new way of doing things, some are suggesting that a good percentage of those who previously were not working from home will now find that is how they will work even when the pandemic is over. Some will resist, fearing that those working from home will be doing less work than they would in a traditional office setting. But as Kate Lister, president of Global Workplace Analytics puts it, "When clients ask 'How will I know if they’re working?' I ask 'How do you know they are working now?'" 

When I am working at home, I do not wear "office attire." I do have a slight fear that if someone would happen to stop by, they might have the impression that I'm not working. And quite frankly, since I am paid from the generous offerings of our members, I want to always give the impression that they are "getting their money's worth."

Which brings me to a passage my brother Richard noted in his verse for the day video he posts on facebook each day. Colossians 3:17: "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

So why am I    working anyway, whether at church or at home? If it's simply to make sure that everyone knows I'm a hard worker, that motive is rather self-centered. But if my goal is to serve our Lord and bring glory to Him. then I will find satisfaction no matter where I may be. What is more, I will find more and more reasons to give thanks rather than complaining about my lot in life (including thanks for a unique time in history that is forcing me to do some things differently and have a new appreciation for what I often took for granted).

– Pastor Schmidt