Think Pink!

This weekend, our theme for worship could be "Think Pink!" The Third Sunday in Advent is when the pink candle on the Advent wreath (or, in our case, the candle with the pink ribbon under it) is lit, symbolizing rejoicing. Our reading from Luke 1 will include a wonderful song of praise by Mary the Mother of our Lord, which is called The Magnificat. But it's not only Mary who rejoices. When she comes to visit her cousin Elizabeth, Elizabeth rejoices at her arrival, and the baby within her leaps for joy as well.

This is what God created us to do – rejoice! We weren't created to be plagued by fear, worry and grief, nor to be oppressed by the various problems of the world. Those are the results of the fall into sin and our own sinful condition – a condition which often hinders us from complete trust and confidence in a loving God who truly does work through all things for the good of those who love Him.

Dr. Kari Vo wrote the following in the Lutheran Hour devotion for December 13: "It is good to take time for joy, because joy is the business of heaven (as C.S. Lewis noted). This world is filled with very real trouble and sadness, and if we choose, we can always remember something important to worry about – something that will crowd out joy from this moment. But Elizabeth lays all that aside to recognize God's blessing here and now. 'Blessed are you! Blessed is your baby! Blessed am I, to have you bring Jesus to me! Blessed are you, for believing God's promise.' "

Is there anything keeping you from rejoicing this day? I'm not talking about trying to conjure up a false feeling of happiness in the midst of some very real challenges and hurts. I am referring to rejoicing in the wonder of knowing our Lord's presence in the midst of them – the presence of a Lord and Savior who Himself endured the cross and all the pain and agony leading up to it. He not only understands our hurts and pain, but He knows how to do something about them. He is the Lord of Life who conquered death through His resurrection and promises to be with us always with His love and His power that works through all things for the good of those who love Him.

What a wondrous Lord and Savior who came that we might rejoice in a God who loves us -- not just for a season, but for all eternity!


Life without Christmas


Serving Him by Serving Others